Dear Clients!
The security of financial transactions is our priority. However, sometimes circumstances arise beyond our control that may compromise your safety. To prevent possible problems, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following rules for converting electronic currency:
Identity Confirmation: Always require confirmation of the identity of the person to whose details you intend to transfer funds. This can be done through a personal call on Skype, ICQ, or by requesting information about the status of your opponent’s wallet on the payment system website.
Carefully filling out the fields: Be careful when filling out the recipient’s “Account Number” field. If you make a mistake, you can send funds in the wrong direction without the possibility of their return.
Protect yourself from fraud: Never make loans using “irrevocable” electronic payment systems. This may lead to fraud.
Trust only instructions: If you are offered to make a payment in a way different from that specified in the instructions for using our service, refuse to make the payment and notify our specialist. The same applies to payments for applications not created by you personally.
Beware of involvement in third party financial transactions: Avoid carrying funds owned by third parties through your bank accounts. This may lead to your unwanted involvement in financial crimes.
Clarification of information: Always check with the exchange office employee for information sent to your email to avoid misunderstandings.
We also remind you that we do not provide loans, do not take on debt or interest, and do not accept donations. If you receive suspicious messages that appear to be on our behalf, we recommend that you refrain from complying with these requirements and immediately contact our support team.
Taking care of your financial well-being,
Our service team.